
Download steam dark forces
Download steam dark forces

download steam dark forces

He is initially hired to steal the plans for the Death Star (this game came out before the release of the film Rogue One) before investigating a series of attacks on Rebel bases by mysterious ‘Dark Troopers’ – upgraded Stormtroopers.ĭespite the fact they are made from simplistic 2D sprites, Star Wars fans will instantly recognise many of the enemies encountered. Kyle is a former Imperial Officer turned mercenary who joins the Rebellion.

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Rather than recreating the original Star Wars films, the story introduces a new plotline featuring Kyle Katarn. The main improvement was an enhanced game engine which allowed the player to look around, jump and crawl - gameplay elements that FPS gamers now take for granted. Development started before Doom’s release in 1993, but they decided to delay Dark Forces so further improvements could be made. Dark Forces marked LucasArts entry into the FPS arena.

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The early 1990s saw numerous first-person shooters trying to imitate the success of Doom.

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